Co Curricular Activities
CCAs Learning Outcomes
CCAs are an integral part of our students’ holistic education. Through CCA, students discover their interests and talents while developing values and competencies that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world. CCAs also promotes friendships among students from diverse backgrounds as they learn, play and grow together. Participation in CCAs foster social integration and deepens students’ sense of belonging, commitment and sense of responsibility to school, community and nation.
CCA Policy
CCA is an official school activity and all students from P3 to P6 are strongly encouraged to participate in at least 1 CCA.
Students from P1 & P2 may get chosen to join a CCA with parent/guardians’ consent.
Students need to produce a medical certificate or a letter from parents/guardians stating reason(s) for absence from the scheduled CCA day/events.
Students are discouraged from changing their CCAs as they need time to build knowledge and master their skills in the CCAs. It is important that teamwork and leadership are honed in the same CCAs with their peers as one grows and develops in his skills and leadership in the CCA concerned. Therefore, requests for a change of CCAs may only be considered at the end of P3 after spending 1 year in their CCAs. Change of CCAs is not encouraged from P4 to P6, unless due to compelling reasons (e.g. medical).
To change CCAs, students need to fill in the CCA Transfer Form which can be obtained through their current CCA teacher. All transfer cases must be supported by a valid reason, e.g. by means of a parent/guardian’s letter or a medical certificate. The transfer of CCA will be subjected to evaluation by the current CCA IC and the new CCA IC, as well as availability of vacancy in the new CCA. This will then be followed by the approval from the HOD PE & Aesthetics/SH PE & CCA. An official notification will be given to student either through the CCA teachers-in-charge or form teachers, to inform parent/guardians/student of the status of the transfer request. While the evaluation process of the transfer request takes place, the student is expected to continue his/her current CCA activities.
A student may be suspended from CCA if he/she exhibits undesirable behaviour/attitude despite repeated warnings and counselling. He/she will be required to sit out at subsequent CCA sessions. Parent/guardians would be informed of the suspension from CCA sessions.
Once per term, CCA training sessions will include Social Emotional Learning lessons to provide opportunities to develop SEL competencies in our students. The 5 domains that are integral to the SEL lessons are Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Understanding of Others, Relationship Skills, Decision-making skills.