Be Prepared!
Scouting in Oasis Primary School began in 2019. The Oasis Otters Scout Unit is divided into smaller groups. In Scouting terms, each group is called a ‘Six’ and the groups are named after animals such as Cobra, Coyote, Eagle, Gorilla, Rhino and Wolf. Each ‘Six’ is led by a Sixer (Leader) and an Assistant Sixer (Assistant Leader). Throughout the year, the scouts engage in team-building games to get to know each other better and to build rapport. They also learn survival skills and acquire knowledge through hands-on lessons and activities. Badges are awarded to scouts to recognise their proficiency in the various tasks. Our scouts also contribute to the community by undertaking fund-raising activities. Eventually, we hope help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.